
Geography Policy

Subject Overview

Teaching and Learning

At Yarlside Academy the Geography curriculum helps children understand how Geography links with their life and empowers them in their responsibilities as global citizens. 


Yarlside students will develop an appreciation of the area they live in, knowledge of the wider world and learn about what opportunities it has for them.

We use ‘CUSP’ to enhance our Geography curriculum as it best supports the opportunities we want to give our children, which are:

  • Explore local, national and global scales of activity
  • Participate in residential visits
  • Compare the similarities and differences of the local area with those of a location in the wider world.
  • Develop field study and Geographical enquiry skills
  • Interpret a range of sources of geographical information including maps, globes and aerial photographs.

Geography at Yarlside takes advantage of the wonderful surroundings Cumbria has to offer with may classes going on school trips to visit some of these.

We provide children with quality resources and practical equipment to develop their understanding and experience.

Every classroom has a MAPS book, atlases, a globe and access to the Geographical Association.