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Our Ethos & Values

At Yarlside we work hard to create an aspirational, challenging and happy learning environment, through which all learners are continually inspired and eager to learn.

We want our pupils to enjoy coming to school and therefore believe that education should be engaging, relevant and fun. Our curriculum develops the key knowledge and skills to enable our pupils to be ready for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of the next step of their education and adult life.

School Values

We strive for excellence for every child, through high aspirations and the delivery of a well-planned curriculum; enabling all young people in our care to become:

  • Successful learners who enjoy learning, make excellent progress and have the knowledge and cultural capital they need for the next stage of their education;
  • Resilient individuals who challenge themselves, are independent learners, who are able to lead safe, healthy and fulfilling lives for now and the future;
  • Responsible citizens who are respectful to each other, make a positive contribution to the life of our school, whilst supporting the well-being of others.